Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew

Boulder Gang for P1-3 and Rock Solid Crew for P4-7 took place each Thursday afternoon over a block of 6 weeks. We had an amazing time sharing Gods amazing love with the kids through the story of Gideon. It was overwhelming to see approximately 38 unchurched kids come along week after week, so enthusiastic to experience more of God. Some of the art work they spent time on at home to bring in and share was truly amazing!!! So what did we do... well, loads of games (the messier the better), fantastic worship, competitions, relevant, real and exciting teaching, prizes, gunge and a heck of a lot of noise!!!

A 6 week block seemed to work really well - keeping the slots fresh and exciting - and not asking too much committment in terms of time etc. However - at the end of the block, there were loads of little sad faces asking when it's happening again!

Can't get the kids to church eh??? !!!!!!

Leaders :- Julie Thomson and Ste Rainford.
Volunteer help (couldn't have done it without them!!) Angela Newton, Mary Mitchell and Karen Copeland - cheers ladies!! XX