
Deeper is a home group for teens, we have two groups, S1 - S3 (11-14) at 6 - 7:30, s4 upwards 7:15 - 9. The over lap is for lovely food!! HMMMM!!!

Deeper is going really well with about 16 or more teens hearing the word of God. In June we are going to talk about stories about Jesus.

Here's the line up:
1st June – Peter Denies Jesus
8th June – Jesus loses his temper
15th June – Jesus heals
22nd June – Jesus feeds the five thousand (John 6:1) and walks on water.

then Soul Surivior in Aug.....Yey!!

We are going to have a time of outreach, So we asked the teens what should we do?

this is what they came up with

Advertise more
Make the village bigger!!!!
Open Day

We are going to put posters up in shops, and we are going to have a "Deeper Event" which we will hopefuly have a band(Christian and non christian music) , BBQ, Games and a little talk. This will hopefuly take place on the 15th of June!

March 08 Grafted/WOT images

Group work near Hawick

Forest near Hawick
Climbing course in Wales
250ft of climbing, rewarded with the view
Sea cliff climbing, Wales coast